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Influx Installation

Obtaining and installing the InfluxDB software is very straightforward. here is a high-level overview of the steps required:

  • On your laptop, open a browser and obtain the required commands to download & install the software by visiting the following web page and selecting the v1.8 download option:
  • Copy the install commands provided for your OS
  • Make sure your InfluxDB server has Internet connectivity (as it will need to pull down the required software)
  • SSH to the server that will be used to host InfluxDB
  • On the CLI of your server (your SSH session), paste in the copied commands to kick-off the software download & install
  • Once installation is complete, start the InfluxDB processes with the server CLI command: sudo systemctl start influxdb
  • Make sure the InfluxDB service starts after a platform reboot: sudo systemctl enable influxdb
  • Check the software is installed and running by executing the following command on the server CLI: sudo systemctl status influxdb (ensure the process is "active (running)" )

The next step is to create a database to drop our incoming data (from wiperf probes) into.

Last update: July 13, 2020